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/ Doom 3 - Resurrection of …l (USA) (Xbox Press Kit) / Doom 3 - Resurrection of Evil (USA) (Xbox Press Kit).bin / Doom3_ROE_Xbox_Press / video

Archives (13)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
doommovie.swf Macromedia Flash 3 12MB 2005-09-23
interview1.swf Macromedia Flash 3 5MB 2004-04-05
interview2.swf Macromedia Flash 3 2MB 2004-04-05
interview3.swf Macromedia Flash 3 4MB 2004-04-05
interview4.swf Macromedia Flash 3 2MB 2004-04-05
interview5.swf Macromedia Flash 3 4MB 2004-04-05
interview6.swf Macromedia Flash 3 2MB 2004-04-05
novideo.swf Macromedia Flash 5 36KB 2004-08-02
roe_pctrailer.swf Macromedia Flash 3 13MB 2005-03-11
splashvideo.swf Macromedia Flash 6 95KB 2005-09-22
trailer_new.swf Macromedia Flash 3 12MB 2004-08-02
trailer.swf Macromedia Flash 3 12MB 2004-08-02
xboxvignette.swf Macromedia Flash 3 9MB 2005-03-11

Text (1)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
trailer.html Hypertext Markup Language File 48 1KB 2004-09-28